Khanna warns against criminalisation of politics in Punjab

CHANDIGARH: Calling for exemplary punishment to the culprits, Punjab Congress general secretary and Dhuri MLA Arvind Khanna today said that the tragic incident of the assassination of a police official who objected to eve teasing of his daughter must be viewed beyond partisan lines.
In a statement issued here today, Khanna said, all the political parties in general and the ruling Akali Dal in particular need to introspect and ensure that such elements like the ones who shot dead an ASI are neither allowed an entry into the party nor provided any patronage.
Otherwise, Khanna warned, this will simply lead to criminalisation of politics and there will be no stopping all this. He hoped that the culprits are handed over exemplary punishment according to the law so that it sets a deterrent precedent for others.
The Congress general secretary said, instead of indulging in political slugfest the issue needs to be viewed in humane and social terms as how a police official had to lose his life to save the dignity of his daughter. He said, had the concerned police officials acted on the complaint of the girl on time this situation would not have risen.
The Dhuri MLA said, the police needed to be sensitised towards their responsibilities so that they do not succumb to the political pressure as happened in this case where the police officials avoided taking action for the obvious reasons that the accused was the general secretary of the ruling Akali Dal. He warned, these are just the initial symptoms which need to be nipped in the bud lest politics gets criminalised in Punjab.
Congreess MLA said that even in the present killing the police – political link of Rana the killer has come to the fore. He was not only Gen. Secy. Of the Urban unit of SAD but was very close with Bikram Majithia Minister through Onkar Singh Sandhu President SAD, Amritsar Urban. The said culprit was a known drug dealer of Amritsar with a flourishing illegal business of smack and opium. Such drug dealing is not possible without political patronage and Majithia is known to promote such element across the state, Khaira alleged.
It is told that after killing the ASI, the goons shouted slogans in favour of Majithia. Therefore, the congress demands that the police make public the mobile phone call details of the killer Ranjit Singh Rana, to find out how closely be was connected to Majithia and Onkar Singh Sandhu.


@Punjab update